Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Brief Introduction

I suppose that since this is my first post, and introduction and an explanation are in order in case anyone but Dr. Davis deigns to read this.

My name is Dakota, and I am a student of English and History. The most important thing to extrapolate from this bit of information is that I reeeeeeally like stories. I find humans and the human condition to be intoxicatingly fascinating. Some of my favorite people / stories include the the following:


Olaudah Equiano

Philip Pirrip

John Dillinger

Holden Caulfield

Peter Parker

Adam Traore

Clare Abshire

Miss America

This blog, at least for the moment will be used to fulfill assignments for a class I am taking at Andrews University, Introduction to Rhetoric, taught by the fabulous aforementioned Dr. Davis. I'm probably accidentally going to talk about comic books a lot, and I'm not sorry.

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